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首页 > Auxiliary Chemical > Clostebol
  • 产品名称: Clostebol

  • 产品类型: Auxiliary Chemical

  • 产品型号:

  • 发布时间: 2023-06-27




Auxiliary Chemical bodybuilding,  testosterone enanthate, testosterone powder, Fat-loss, fitness, hormone, Lean Muscle, muscle building, Muscle growth, research, steroid oil, steroid solvents, steroids powder, Testosterone steroids, steroid powder, steroid recipe




Molecular Formula:C19H27ClO2

Molecular Weight:322.87

CAS NO.:1093-58-9

Einecs No.:214-133-9

Grade:Pharmaceutical grade

Appearance:White crystalline powder


Clostebol is a synthetic anabolic androgenic Buy steroids raw steroid that is commonly known as the ester clostebol acetate or clostebol enanthate. Clostebol is a 4-chloro derivative of testosterone, the natural hormone.

It is a mild anabolic steroid and was used by athletes in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany).

[Citation required] It is a chlorinated form of testosterone that prevents conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) while simultaneously rendering the molecule incapable of conversion to estrogen.

Chlorotestosterone is a fairly basic testosterone derivative created by attaching a chlorine atom at the 4 position. This minor change results in a molecule that is substantially distinct from testosterone. Semi-finished steroid Oil Clostebol binds to the AR with a somewhat lower affinity than testosterone and has no binding to the PR or GR.

The chlorine atom prevents aromatase from acting on this molecule. This means that chlorotestosterone cannot be converted to estrogen and is instead transformed to a weaker form of DHT derivative 1.

Because testosterone is partially converted to DHT and estrogen, and because DHT and estrogen are inactive in muscle tissue, you lose a significant amount of activity when using testosterone.

Because of the binding to SHBG, you also lose some of the activity of testosterone. Chlorotestosterone binds to SHBG considerably weaker than testosterone. As the anabolic to androgenic ratio demonstrates, clostebol is an excellent choice as an anabolic.

This steroid was sold with an acetate ester that required daily injections. It is surprising that chlorotestosterone is not utilized more commonly but this is possibly owing to the fact that this steroid does not deliver rapid gratification in the form of "bloat". This steroid would be considerably more appealing with a longer ester.

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