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首页 > Aromatase Inhibitor > Anastrozole Powder Raws
  • 产品名称: Anastrozole Powder Raws

  • 产品类型: Aromatase Inhibitor

  • 产品型号:

  • 发布时间: 2023-06-26


Arimidex Aromatase Inhibitor AI / Anastrozole Powder Raws


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Steroids Powder Breast Carcinoma Cancer Treatment Arimidex Anastrozoles for Weight Loss 


Product name: Arimidex / anastrozole raw

M.F.: C17H19N5

M.W.: 293.37

CAS No.: 120511-73-1

Packing: 5kg/tin

Reference Standard: USP30

Assays: 99%

Appearance: White or Almost White Crystalline Powder

Refrigeration save: Agglomeration at homebrew steroid recipes room temperature of 20 Celsius or more, and  30 Celsius into liquid.

Anastrozoles Arimidex is the preferred aromatase inhibitor. The mechanism of action of anti-estrogens like clomiphene (Clomid) or (Nolvadex), which block estrogen receptors in some tissues and activate them in others, is different from that of Arimidex, which prevents the conversion of aromatizable steroids to estrogen.

Anastrozoles, an aromatase inhibitor, is a medication that has been licensed for the treatment of breast cancer following surgery as well as for the metastases in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women. Because sexhormones stimulate hyperplasia and differentiation at estrogen receptor sites, estrogen worsens breast cancer. By preventing the synthesis of estrogen, anastrozoles function.

According to the trial, T4 Na anastrozoles should be the first line of treatment for postmenopausal women with ER-positive localized breast cancer.




When using significant amounts of aromatizing steroids or when a person is at risk for gynecomastia and using moderate amounts of such steroids, anastrozole should be used. Arimidex can block estrogen to a much greater extent than Cytadren while not having the negative side effects of aminoglutethimide (Cytadren).

Because Arimidex has the potential to reduce estrogen levels too much, blood tests, or less ideal salivary tests, should be performed after the first week of use to assess whether the recommended dosage is accurate.


(1) As third-generation aromatase inhibitors are used to treat postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer.

(2) Breast cancer can be treated with it.

(3) The third-generation aromatase inhibitor Arimidex is Steroid Box used to treat postmenopausal patients with advanced breast cancer. It has a high degree of selectivity as a triazole aromatase inhibitor. It can inhibit aromatase, a necessary step in the production of pigment cells P-450, preventing the biosynthesis of estrogens, which is crucial for the development of breast cancer cells. It is used to treat breast cancer, and is especially suitable for postmenopausal women who have advanced breast cancer and have had hormone adjuvant therapy but still developed the disease.

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6. Post-purchase support: Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries or issues. You can count on us to satisfy you with the outcome.

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